How to Overcome Job Stress and Thrive at Work

Job stress is definitely something we all experience as workers but we handle it in different ways. If you want to stay safe on your job, maximize your job performance, as well as maintain your mental and physical health, you need to learn how to overcome job stress. By the way, it might be useful in a real life as well.
In reality, not all stress is bad for you. In fact, occasional doses of job stress may be effective in boosting your productivity and motivation. However, let us talk about its drawbacks and the best strategies for dealing with job stress.

What is Job Stress? 

Some jobs tend to bring higher stress than others. These are the jobs that have demanding time pressure (healthcare workers), that are located in dangerous settings (police, fire), that have repetitive detailed work (manufacturing), and that deal with demanding clients (service providers). The recent job survey states that nowadays job stress represents a big threat to the health of people. By the way, here you can find a lot of stuff about stress nature. Job stress is a harmful emotional and physical condition that happens when the worker feels that the requirements of the job don’t correspond with his capabilities or needs.

Job Stress Survey

Recent Families and Work Institute job stress study showed that 40 percent of workers report they have “a very or extremely stressful” job. Numerous studies prove the unpleasant statistics about the physical and mental health of workers in many countries. Starting new job stress is one of the most common types of stress. Probably almost each one of us has suffered from job stress as it always takes some time to join the ranks.

Symptoms of Job Stress

While many people know that new job stress and anxiety usually go together, there is a number of other warning signs and symptoms of job stress and burnout. The most widespread signs are having apathy, boredom, frustration, anxiety, fatigue, anger, or depression. From the side of physical health, you may experience such problems as headaches or stomachaches.

Coping with Job Stress

We are going to talk about the best strategies for coping with job stress and ways to overcome it. The first rule is that unlike your family and health all jobs are disposable, so you shouldn’t be afraid to replace it. You can always change your job and try to find a better one if you think your employer wants too much from you. You will also need to learn how to deal with new job stress while joining the ranks, but it’s hopefully something more enjoyable and exciting.

Modify the Current Job Situation

In case you really like your employer and you are feeling comfortable with your job, but it has become too boring or stressful, try to ask about tailoring the job to your skills. If the boss has promoted you into a more stressful position, don’t be afraid to ask for a lateral transfer or even a transfer back to your previous position.

Get Some Time Away

You are welcome to take a short break if you feel the stress is growing and you soon won’t be able to cope with it. It’s good to walk away from the situation, sit on a bench, take a short walk in the park, or even exercise. If you are too exhausted to do that, you can just find a quiet place and relax while listening to your iPod. Also, when you or your coworkers start to take things too seriously, try to find some humor in the situation. You may share with them a joke or a funny story in order to take the strain off.

So, it’s up to you which tips you find more effective and suitable, but I'd like to hear your comments. How do yo fight stress? Are there any other stressful situations in your life?


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