
Showing posts from March, 2017

Best Advice for Women Breaking into a Male-Dominated Industry

It can be a real challenge to be a woman in today’s competitive labor market – especially if you hope to start a career in traditionally male-dominated industries, such as science, finance, mathematics, or engineering. As a woman, you may face lots of challenges starting your career in one of those fields. So how can you minimize the difficulties and breakthrough in the desired field? Today I want to talk about how to inspire women in a male-dominated industry. Here are some of my top tips. Believe in Yourself In my opinion, the most important is to make small steps towards your dream . You should believe in yourself and be ready to take the leap. For extra motivation, you may have a look at all those women who have important positions in high finance, national politics or heavy manufacturing today. If they managed to do this, you will definitely be not the exception. Well, being determined and believing in yourself should be your number one. Don’t be afraid to try somet...

Top LinkedIn Profile Tips for Stay-at-Home Moms

You are probably reading this because you are a stay-at-home mom who wants to go back to work but doesn’t know how to reflect your current role in your resume or LinkedIn profile. And yes, this time we will be talking about how you should update your LinkedIn profile for stay at home mom. You are not the only person looking for ways to go back to work. I’ve been there and now I’d like to share my own experience as well as some career expert advice on how to get started. ABC-Book for Moms Who Use LinkedIn LinkedIn has come into our lives and changed the way people get hired. Nowadays, it replaces so much old recruiting work like reading trade publications, networking, or calling people. It has become one major online networking event. Many moms ask me, “ Should I use LinkedIn if I am a stay at home mom? ” You would be surprised to know that you can find more than 90,000 results for “stay-at-home mom” if you search on LinkedIn. This number should raise hopes in your breast becaus...

Tips for Mom Cover Letter Writing

Returning to work is a significant event for any parent. And let us be honest: making this kind of decision isn't easy. Everything that follows, isn't much of a breezy task as well. Falling out of the job market happens quickly and easily. As people say, no man is indispensable - there will always be other competitors. Instead, getting to work after the parental gap requires a lot of determination and dedication. Writing a new or updating your old resume and stay at home mom returning to work cover letter may seem extremely frightening at first. But it’s important to remember that there isn't much to be scared of. Obviously, you lost some of the business network connections and insiders knowledge, but it's ok. A cover letter for stay at home mom is a perfect chance to explain the work gap and its importance for you (or for your skills). You wouldn't go deep into it in your resume, because these details are superfluous. A cover letter is a different kettle of f...