Top LinkedIn Profile Tips for Stay-at-Home Moms

You are probably reading this because you are a stay-at-home mom who wants to go back to work but doesn’t know how to reflect your current role in your resume or LinkedIn profile. And yes, this time we will be talking about how you should update your LinkedIn profile for stay at home mom. You are not the only person looking for ways to go back to work. I’ve been there and now I’d like to share my own experience as well as some career expert advice on how to get started.

ABC-Book for Moms Who Use LinkedIn

LinkedIn has come into our lives and changed the way people get hired. Nowadays, it replaces so much old recruiting work like reading trade publications, networking, or calling people. It has become one major online networking event. Many moms ask me, “Should I use LinkedIn if I am a stay at home mom?” You would be surprised to know that you can find more than 90,000 results for “stay-at-home mom” if you search on LinkedIn. This number should raise hopes in your breast because if so many moms managed to do this you are not the exception.

How to Create Your Profile

The first thing you need to do is to create your profile unless you have one already. Think about the dream job you would like to land, write down 20 words that describe this position. Then, go on LinkedIn and search for people with the same keywords that already have your dream job. Have a good look at their profiles and get the idea of what you’d like to do with yours. 

Don’t forget that when you are creating your profile you should think like a hiring manager. Remember to add necessary keywords so that real recruiters will be able to find your profile the same way.

LinkedIn Profile is Not the Resume

Remember this every time you add some information or update your profile. Unlike your CV or resume (by the way, if you are looking for effective resume writing hacks for moms, I've written a post about this), you don’t have to enumerate everything here. Your profile is your own creation, so feel free to show your personality, avoid passive voice and be less formal. That’s why it’s significant first to look at other profiles through keywords. Stay at home mom on LinkedIn shouldn’t be a black sheep. So, make your profile professional and attractive rather than boring and stuffy.

Get into LinkedIn Groups

Here at JobSearchingMom I always recommend my readers to socialize and use networking as much as you can. If you want to get noticed and eventually to get found by recruiters, join various LinkedIn groups. I mean there are plenty of professional groups for different fields, so just find some groups about your desired field or job and get into them. Remember to get chatty, participate in the discussions, suggest postings, comment on blogs and answer questions. The more groups you joined the more chances you have for getting noticed. Many recruiters admit that they first go to such groups where they can find job seekers interested in the field.

Don’t be scared of changes. Get your LinkedIn profile up there and get noticed!


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