Tips for Mom Cover Letter Writing

Returning to work is a significant event for any parent. And let us be honest: making this kind of decision isn't easy. Everything that follows, isn't much of a breezy task as well. Falling out of the job market happens quickly and easily. As people say, no man is indispensable - there will always be other competitors.

Instead, getting to work after the parental gap requires a lot of determination and dedication. Writing a new or updating your old resume and stay at home mom returning to work cover letter may seem extremely frightening at first. But it’s important to remember that there isn't much to be scared of. Obviously, you lost some of the business network connections and insiders knowledge, but it's ok.

A cover letter for stay at home mom is a perfect chance to explain the work gap and its importance for you (or for your skills). You wouldn't go deep into it in your resume, because these details are superfluous. A cover letter is a different kettle of fish. It is like a preview to the resume, so it's better to be good. The effect has to be impressive. The recruiting managers should dive into it and wait for the main course (resume itself) impatiently.  

By the way, if you are a job searching mom and searching for the ways to impress the HR managers, read my post about key stay-at-home mom skills for resume.

In this way, writing a cover letter after being a stay at home mom allows clarifying the potential benefits of the work gap. I mean every parent knows that maternal break is no vacation at all. One either gets necessary skills or leaves in the constant state of chaos and disorder. Doesn't anything jump into the mind? Time- and self-management, all these fussy terms, mothers master them intuitively. 

Get Back to the Industry

Any cover letter mom going back to work will only win from the insider tips. But the question that pops up is “How can you get these exact insider pieces of advice?” The answer lies in the good old-fashioned business networking. I totally get it - a newly-minted mother often fails to keep the old acquaintances alive.

Yet, it is another reason to arrange a meeting. You'll have a chance to chill out and win back a feeling of connectedness. Probably, significant changes, which one actually need to note, have happened in the industry. Besides, by dropping news about the job search, you bring into the motion an eternal mechanism. You say it to the one person - and news item goes viral. Then surprising things can happen. For example, the person, who is currently in the employee search and learns about a potential candidate, is you. You can even ask someone, with whom you're meeting, whether they have a vacancy in the company. Or whether this person could introduce you and give a few pointers to someone in the professional field.

Highlight Skills not Experience

It's great when a person had an impressive experience long before the parental leave. The point speaks for itself. However, the case is quite seldom. Most of the people have a little job experience in overall. In this instance, you need to choose a right approach. Highlighting the skills you've got and not a job activity is an answer. And don't lure yourself into a common misbelief.

A lot of people still believe that one can get relevant skills only through the job occupation. Well, that's not 100% true. Of course, these skills are important and beneficial but there's more to the process. Cover letter for stay at home mom returning to workforce can easily pull off a mention of the community, charity or any other organizational activity. As long as you disclose clearly the things, you've done and mastered, you're on the right path.

Have you ever written a cover letter by yourself? Were there any difficulties or there was no need in writing this?


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