Job Search Rules To Break

Job hunting isn't easy, especially for the young moms, who need to stay at home and make money at the same time. I'm ready to bet, that pretty much every stay-at-home mom can relate to the fact. What I'm specifically talking about, is a lack of communication. Not just routinely "adult" connection, (which is, by the way, a real issue), but a lack of the industry communication, those types of talks, when you discuss the professional, industry-related news as well as job hunting rules.

There is always someone, searching for a job or in need to change a career. When you're on your own, keeping track of the standard job rules becomes a little more complicated. Week in week out, you lose the chances of getting an up-to-date information. The good news is, the Internet is always on your side. However, there are always some troubles with finding a real catch. I tried to make it simpler and accumulated all the most useful to break job search rules in the post below.

1. Following the Same Pattern

There are times when you're just tired of job searching. You send dozens of resumes, still, it never gets off the ground.

It might be a sign that an applicant needs to reconsider the system. You surely recognize the old scheme: you apply to the job ad, send a resume straight to the hiring manager and wait for the decision to come.

However, in a modern world, the majority of people get a job by the networking. Remember, the "it-word" of the job hunting industry? Turns out, it does work. Almost every job search book states that networking is one of the key factors for a great job searching. So it may be just the time to ask someone you know from the company for a favor. Set up a meeting and ask them to give your resume to the recruiting manager. The opportunity offers an entirely different approach. The recruiter will automatically pay more attention to the resume, which is delivered by someone familiar. The incredible thing will be to know someone, who is respected and appreciated in the job environment. It makes a double win.

2. Using Traditional Template

Obviously, it is much easier to use a regular template and fill it with the even more common phrases like "results-oriented" and "team worker". Nevertheless, it is better to break the pattern. Such resumes and cover letters don't impress at all. Instead, just answer the question: "Why am I a good match for this job?". There's a chance, that you aren't necessarily the best candidate. Yet, for whatever reason, a job definitely draws you in. Find out, why is that and simply write it down.

3. Assuming That Employers Have Absolute Power

It is a popular but unspoken rule: "Employers have all the power and applicants need to please them in order to get a job". It isn't true. Actually, every party here has a multiple choice. A manager has other options as well as a candidate itself. Thus, there is no need to turn into a shy and humble person. The aim of the whole process is to make an offer that's hard to resist. A little hint, it is a centered and confident employee, who is willing to raise a voice.

4. Grasping for Any Available Chance

As tempting as it may be, agreeing with the first available position is much harmful. We all know, that quitting is harder than walking away in the first place. The thing is, don't stop chasing the right opportunities just because they are harder. See it as a challenge to master the rules of successful job search. Otherwise, it will be a ridiculous waste of time, which is worth to regret.

Please, share your opinion and insights in the comments below? Do you agree that some of the ‘time-tested’ job searching rules are not as important s it used to be, like 10 years ago?


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